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Prime Time revisited at score with cube

Posted By: Nack Ballard
Date: Thursday, 24 December 2009, at 7:23 p.m.

In Response To: Prime Time revisited at score with cube (Daniel Murphy)

Sorry to have perplexed you and others, Danny. Perhaps you wrote your post before seeing Neil's post (setting me straight) and my response, or the posts crossed.

Years ago, I was given some misinformation from a normally reliable source about how Snowie's cube works (evidently caused in part by confusion arising from Snowie-3 playing according to score and Snowie-4 not). That doesn't excuse my not having properly researched the issues.

For a long time, I have immersed myself in performing (and assigning) only early game money rollouts. As Snowie is much slower than Gnu or lightning XG, I have been extracting what data I can from rollateers that still use Snowie. (It is a very strong bot: a message to anyone who might confuse speed with strength.) I average Snowie's money data with Gnu's and XG's for purposes of reporting results in my books. (Starting with Backgammon: Early Doubles, Vol. 1, there will be indexes showing margins from the rollouts.).

The DMP, GS and GG information automatically generated by early game money rollouts is actually quite good as well, but because Snowie-4 does not play the checkers AtS (that much I have known), I only use that data as a filter to decide which AtS candidates to roll out on Gnu and XG.

It has been several years since I plugged in a match score with the cube in play and rolled a position on Snowie. Unfortunately, the Prime Time position (which captured my imagination) was its/my debut. This position could hardly have been a worse choice, with its complex tactical nature, lopsided score and pending cube elevation to 4. Please be assured it will not happen again! (Thankfully, nowhere does someone get put back in line on such matters faster than on this forum.)

I can understand your annoyance that Snowie's primary output is the Janowski cube-adjusted equity rather than the live cube data. "Live cube rollout 0.xxx" appears on its own very readable line in the screen display, but in the html exportation you have to hunt for it. In partial defense of Oasya, I would remind people that when computers were a lot slower than they are today, it was common to cut corners and roll positions without a live cube (better when the alternative was fewer trials).

Where do you reside these days, and are you still tickling the ivory keys? I believe the last time we saw each other was at the Nordic Open in 2003.


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