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Prime Time revisited at score with cube

Posted By: Nack Ballard
Date: Wednesday, 23 December 2009, at 11:35 p.m.

In Response To: Prime Time revisited at score with cube (Stick)

My understanding is that for purposes of knowing the best play at this score, you should ignore the live cube equities. I only included them because I wanted to see how the plays would do for money. (For that purpose, adding the live cube slows down the rollout, but it's still faster than doing a separate rollout for money).

In other words, this rollout is offering us the additional information that the plays are within .002 of each other for money (live cube), but at the score (unfortunately with the checkers not played AtS, no way to get around that as far as I know, though it is still be wholly unreasonable to entirely discount the result), 13/9 8/7 is better by .092.

Now you've got me wondering, and I'd really like to be sure one way or the other. Unless someone can confidently verify or deny that my understanding above was correct, I'll do a separate rollout for money and check it that way.


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