BGonline.org Forums
Re: Re: Re: How many people can I piss off today?
Posted By: Daniel Murphy In Response To: Re: Re: How many people can I piss off today? (Matt Reklaitis)
Date: Monday, 26 March 2007, at 4:17 p.m.
The most dramatic way to put the point is to say that Hume has shown that common sense and science are matters of faith."
1. I can't decide if you intended your comment to be inflammatory or informative. I'm leaning towards inflammatory, since I cannot divine what definitions of "science," "faith" (and "is," for that matter) would make "science is faith" a meaningful assertion, much less why the "problem of induction" supports it.
2. If one is to draw lessons for life from Philosophy 203, don't drop the class after Week 6!
The most dramatic way to put a point is not necessarily the most useful, or truthful. There's a less dramatic but, I think, more informative discussion of Hume's problem of induction at
Maybe at Princeton they don't get to Karl Popper until Philosophy 204 ....
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