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Re: How many people can I piss off today?

Posted By: Stick
Date: Thursday, 22 March 2007, at 9:00 p.m.

In Response To: Re: Re: How many people can I piss off today? (Matt Reklaitis)

I can't buy into the entire concept of the "laws of nature aren't constant". For example, and I'm no meteorologist but there are a couple things even I, the weather layman, have picked up over the years that may point towards bad weather. If see cumulonimbus clouds, I can guess there's a fair chance it may precipitate. Farm animals huddle together or coulds are proceeding in different directions. These are basic indications that would push me to put my money where my mouth is on what's going to happen with the weather. Now I believe scientifically, esp. w/all the gadgets & gizmos we have access to, we can predict it. We can force it to rain if we have to.

I'm not implying that what happens here on Earth would translate to somewhere else in the universe. I'm saying the laws we've constructed over the history of time can be trusted. I'm not going on my belief that tomorrow the sun is going to rise, I'm going on the fact that is has risen every day since the dawn of life and there is recorded history to that. To call anything that will happen in the future a matter of faith is stretching the meaning and completely contorted & wrong in my opinion.

I could post endless examples of this but see no need.


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