BGonline.org Forums
Re: Day 1 -- Stick created thread
Posted By: DC-Ohio In Response To: Day 1 -- Stick created thread (Stick)
Date: Thursday, 22 March 2007, at 11:47 a.m.
Well said.
Let me put it this way. As a scientist, I just can't bring myself to believe in something we can not "prove". (I have prove in quotes, because even alot of scientific principles are just REALLY solid theories..."
I agree that you don't need religion to lead a better life, or be a better person, but what religion does provide is community, and comfort. I've met alot of nice people through the church who I may have never met otherwise. And as far as comfort goes, it is nice to have a place to go once a week where no one is questioning you, nobody is criticizing you, and nobody is judging you. Everybody shares an hour out of their week to try to raise somebody else's spirits.
I'm an odd case.
Do I believe in God or creationism or the other "miracles"? I did at one point, but that's because I was a child. Now that I'm an adult all I can say is... not yet, but I actively go to mass every week... just because I like the ceremony. Does it make me a hypocrite? I hope not. In fact, I really hope that I'm completely wrong, because the catholic idea of heaven seems to be really nice.
One thing I definitely DON'T believe in is pushing your own religion (or lack thereof) onto other people. Don't try to change me, I won't try to change you. This doesn't mean I don't like to have open discussions about religion, because why people believe in what they believe is more important than what they believe.
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