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Re: How many people can I piss off today?
Posted By: liverpaste In Response To: How many people can I piss off today? (Stick)
Date: Thursday, 22 March 2007, at 6:49 a.m.
First off, Barry, are you kidding me? Why not push the point ESPECIALLY if it is a touchy subject, much less a subject that deserves extreme debate. This isnt talking about someones father who molested them. That is touchy. This subject is not. If you or anyone else is offended then there are greater problems. You also ask what are the motives of the question? Hmm.. im sure you can figure that one out too if u try a bit harder?
Stick is simply trying to open up a discussion on probably THE main question we should all be asking and discussing among ourselves. What is so bad about that? In todays age of science and all around culture, it is absolute lunacy for people to still rely on beliefs that came about severallllll centuries ago.. in a completely different world. We are not living in a time where blacksmiths and candle makers are the main professions, where bread and carrots are some of the main sources of food... we are living IN THE 21ST CENTURY.... we have got to get with the times, and religion needs to be the #1 thing we should ABSOLUTELY question.
Jesus is not GOD's son. Mohammed is not a prophet of Allah. Joseph Smith is not a prophet either. One of the funniest things that come up when I get into any of these discussions is the whole *prove there is, prove there isnt* situation. COMMON SENSE ALERT... why are these arguments even being brought up? No one can prove either way, but in any situation... scientific.. mathmatical.. whatever... the problem/question/arguement NEEDS to be proven by the one indicating whatever is factual. If I say *the world is flat* you would respond *no, its actually round* (well.. u should.. if not thats another bark).. its common knowledge (now days anyways.. u know... HERE IN THE 21ST CENTURY) that the earth is round, it can be proven. Now.. this is where it gets real tricky! In this situation.. who should be the one to prove their *belief*?? Ill answer the question just to make sure everyone is keeping up. If you guessed *the fellow that said the Earth is flat* you hit the nail right on the head! Ok now comes in the almighty word that religious fanatics love to use, the F word. Fu.. oh not that one..
FAITH. What a cute word... it really is. I have faith there is a god! I have faith that.. ________ (fill in the blank).. we all know I could go on forever on that one. Now before I go on too much further.. let me answer the question youre already asking.. *the world being flat or round has nothing to do with if there is a GOD or not*. Obviously im not saying that.. im saying the one who brings up any arguement about something being a fact or true, needs to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that it is true (you know.. in rational human being thinking) there is no proof that there is a god, and no athiest or agnostic person should have to even begin to get to the point of trying to disprove that there isnt something that there never was. Can anyone say run-on sentence? dilligaf? Anyways.. I hope some of this is sinking in, but I know that mental barrier that so many religious fanatics have is a mf to get thru too anyways... so im not holding my breath.
ANYWAYS.. Faith. The main problem with all religion is that they believe that faith>science. Faith is greater then science... now if we are really at that point in our evolution of thinking, we have alongggggg way to go. I guess we were destined to get to that point in our evolution anyway, and here we are. The question that needs to be asked by EVERYONE.. is how can we as intellectual human beings possibly put FAITH above SCIENCE??? I mean, seriously, that should be mandatory time in a mental home if you truly think that way. Here let me break it down for you...
FAITH: a belief that is not based on proof SCIENCE: knowledge of the world gained through observation and experimentation
Ok, now... am I getting anywhere here or are we still confused? Opening up a few minds perhaps? Anyone out there trying that thing called thinking for yourself? Lets hope.. we can only hope.. I have FAITH... that you are. rofl. What about saying *I hope there is a god*.. I mean, thats a logical thing to say. I hope there is a god and heaven.. I hope I win the lotto.. I hope, I hope, I hope.
Now.. I have read all the posts on this thread, and I got to tell you, I am getting a real kick. I enjoyed the post by pekfrench. I really like the part that says "Take Christianity out of this and distill the main theme of a higher power, or religion, you find that the common theme is to live a better quality life." So, this is basically saying that minus religion, people do not live quality enough lives as it is. What is the definition of a quality life? I would like to hear your answers on that. Is it going to church every few weeks... saying grace every thanksgiving.. skimming through the bible when youre bored and cant find a good backgammon game? Hmmm.. how about, eating a banana? Going on a morning jog? Playing fetch with your dog? Watching a good comedy show? No.. cant do any of that... they might say NIGGER in the comedy show.. or you might get killed by an *evil-doer* on your jog. You know.. those snipers sent from hell that have no morals... because they werent saved.. not because they are just a fucked up human.
Ok, on to Stanley, ummm... nevermind.. Stanley seems a little too simple minded perhaps.. no offense.. honestly.. you probably didnt make it this far into my post anyway. Thanks for the book suggestions though, ill get right on those, as if I havent read enough literature regarding that.. lmao..
Anyways, in closing, why wouldnt people want there to be a god? Why wouldnt people want to believe that someone that walked the earth 2000 years ago is the son of god, why wouldnt they want to believe that Joseph Smith is a prophet.. etc, etc. It all sounds good and fine, but so did santa, and so did the easter bunny... and i really liked the one about about jack and the beanstalk, that was neat... im so glad that bunny brought me chocolate on the anniversary of jesus being resurrected every year.. couldnt of lived w/o those cadbury eggs. Anyways, my point is that people are living a dream. Its seems like a good dream at first, but when you delve deeper and deeper into the dream, out comes more and more sad truth that makes you not want to live the dream anymore. So what do people do? They stop.. they stay in the *safe zone* and dont delve any deeper when they reach the point where it starts looking grim, or else there goes the dream. I read a survey a few months back that stated that over 90% of the worlds scientists and doctors are athiest or agnostic. Its a good thing that there are enough people awake, because its those people who truly make a difference in this world. Perhaps maybe because they arent living in that grey area their whole lives? You decide. Even though I still know what your decision will be, because *no evil-doer is gonna change your faith!* :)
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