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Re: How many people can I piss off today?

Posted By: pekfrench
Date: Thursday, 22 March 2007, at 4:46 a.m.

In Response To: How many people can I piss off today? (Stick)

I've read everyone's posts and am actually surprised thus far that most people that have responded are religious with all being Christian (so far). It is nice to see people stating their beliefs so candidly in a time where to be a Christian is just not really in vogue. To bash Christianity is. In my experience, and as stated in Mary's post more eloquently than I could, "The people who get the most worked up about religion have to be the atheists, because they hold to a religion that asserts there is no God." Hence, atheists try to prove there is no God and get mad or just plain laugh at the fact that there are religious people around them that seem to have a brain and yet have accepted "on faith" that there is a higher being.

I myself am a Christian, Presbyterian to be exact. I have a LONG way to go to better myself living by Christian principles, but I feel that a little a day over time will get me where I want to be. I, as Black Swan has written (among others) believe that Jesus is God's son and was sent here to save us.

Take Christianity out of this and distill the main theme of a higher power, or religion, you find that the common theme is to live a better quality life. Of course that is not meaning a better material life. Everyone's heard more money, more objects does not make people more happy. Sure, they might for a little bit. There of course is the old adage: whoever dies with the most toys, wins. Funny saying, but not believable in my reality. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. That is a good line to live by and comes straight from the Bible. I am sure there is a similar theme in other religions. Religions have rules that better people. In mine, living more and more like Jesus makes one more holy, and therefore worthy of entry into the kingdom of heaven upon death. (To some I am entirely aware that this sounds CORNY, but it ain't).

Stick, I applaud you for being brave enough to bring this topic to your forum. I read your forum for backgammon and sometime poker posts! But this is a damn good one too. Barry asked you what your motive was in starting this thread. I don't pretend to know your mind, but I venture that you might be looking for answers, whether you know it or not. Faith is a funny thing to pinpoint. Anyone can use the word, it is not hard: I have faith in you. Not hard to say to someone. But the actual "leap" into the belief of a higher power, for me Jesus, God, the Holy Spirit, is a beautiful, scary thing and question of to leap or not to leap is certainly not new. You may have read it, but if you have not, then a great book from a philosopher's point of view on religion and the belief in God is Soren Kierkegaard's, "Fear and Trembling". It may not be anyone else's choice of a book to read in order to "convert" someone, but it sure brings knowledge to a gray area in people's lives, particularly people that don't believe.

It will be interesting to see what you write. I am looking forward to it, as always with your posts!

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