BGonline.org Forums
Re: How many people can I piss off today?
Posted By: mamabear In Response To: How many people can I piss off today? (Stick)
Date: Thursday, 22 March 2007, at 1:48 a.m.
The people who get the most worked up about religion have to be the atheists, because they hold to a religion that asserts there is no God. A negative statement like that cannot be proven with finite knowledge, so in some sense, the atheist is saying he has all knowledge and therefore is God. In contrast, the agnostic says he doesn't know, and doesn't usually get worked up or "pissed off" about religion. His attitude is indifference, not opposition, to others' beliefs.
I'm Catholic, and believe revelation is ongoing, including of course the approved apparitions of Our Lady. Some day I would like to do a book on La Salette, a true miracle buried in sensationalism and myth added later by those with their own axes to grind and agendae to advance. I have written a book about Mary as we know her from the Bible, which you can get at Amazon, bn, or wherever. The title is Arise and Call Her Blessed.
For those who love sci-fi, as I do, think of the spiritual world as one that resides in another dimension, not bound by the properties of matter, space, and time, as we are. In Venn diagram terms, our universe is a bubble completely encompassed by that world, but a bubble within which the laws of mathematics and science have validity and are rightly studied and applied.
The harm, or sin, creeps in when we assert that what we can perceive with our limited senses and learn with our limited minds, is all there is. If we go there, we then no longer seek the revelation God provides in addition to what we learn by perception and reason alone. That is what we call loss of faith, and is a common tragedy in our times.
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