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Live Cube Take Point

Posted By: Ray Kershaw
Date: Friday, 3 January 2025, at 10:22 a.m.

XG / Analyze / Cube information gives the dead cube and live cube take points for a given combination of level of cube, MET, points away for player on roll, points away for opponent, and percentages of each player's wins which are gammons or backgammons.

I understand (at least for "non-gammon adjusted") how the dead cube take point is calculated as Risk / (Risk + Reward) based on three match winning chances in the MET: Risk = (Drop - Take & Lose); Reward = (Take & Win - Drop).

I also understand that the live cube take point can be lower, reflecting the possibility that the opponent may be able to gain from a subsequent recube, either by the initial doubler dropping some games he would win if played to conclusion or by the game continuing at a higher cube level.

I don't understand how XG calculates a live cube take point. XG says it assumes "perfect redouble efficiency". Can you give a numerical example? For example, for Rockwell-Kazaross, non-gammon adjusted, 5 away / 5 away, cube on 1 where Drop = 42.26%; Take & Lose = 35.23%; Take & Win = 64.77%; Dead Cube Take Point = 23.80%; Live Cube Take Point = 18.11%.

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