BGonline.org Forums
Would the advocates for the new rule state how they would rule Ken's two examples?
Posted By: MishyPoo In Response To: Would the advocates for the new rule state how they would rule Ken's two examples? (Colin Owen)
Date: Thursday, 9 February 2017, at 5:04 p.m.
All backgammon players have opinions, I apologize if I made it sound like the non usbgf people shouldn't have one, I was not referring to you but to a specific poster in this thread who plays in the USA and is very vocal about all matters on this site, but cares very little to support their local tournament or any ABT event. That is not you. That person will never need to worry about the rule.
The "meek" are taken advantage of in many ways at tournaments. In fact, at my first tournament, I was bullied into giving a cube merely because I twitched my hand. I was told that I was playing mind games (which if you know me, you would know I don't have the mental capacity for that sort of thing and at my first tournament I didn't even know it existed) and said ok, fine here is the cube and went on to gammon her and win the match. This was 5 years ago. Two months later, and still very meek, I was taken advantage of by somebody who tried to cheat in a match, not realizing that although I was new and meek (at the time), I was also not an idiot. If you are meek it is your own fault if you get taken advantage of. The meek have the same rights as all other bg players and I learned very quickly that as sweet and as meek as I am, the TD must be called. Do not let a player make a ruling for you. Call the TD. That is why I wont make a ruling on Ken's pictures. I am not a TD and I will not need to ever make such rulings. In the few instances where a die landed on a checker in LA last December, it took all of a milisecond to confirm with my opp that it was ok. Similar happens when the rule is not being used. If the die is cocked, I confirm with my opp and we both say "no dice" and carry on. If you are meek and don't speak up, then you should take some assertiveness training. Or just ask yourself...WWMPD?
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