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Illegal moves rules in other games

Posted By: Jack Edelson
Date: Wednesday, 30 March 2016, at 3:58 p.m.

In Response To: Illegal moves rules in other games (Keene)

I played tournament chess regularly for about twelve years and can only clearly remember one game in which an illegal move was made. So it's pretty rare, unless you're talking about lower levels of scholastic competition. There, I assure you, it's quite common!

In non-blitz games, the rule is that if it is detected within ten moves (a move being a play by both white and black, so this means 20 ply) it is to be corrected, and two minutes added to the clock of the player who did not make the illegal move. (FIDE, the international federation, has a forfeit for the second violation in a game; the US Chess Federation rules do not.) If not corrected within ten moves, the illegal move stands. That keeping a record of the moves is required makes this a lot easier.

Still, there's room for ambiguity. A player once told me of an interesting situation where his opponent started with his king and queen transposed. As a result, the player had an opportunity to give checkmate on move eight, but missed it as he had not yet noticed the incorrect opponent king position. Now, an illegal starting position, like an illegal move, is to be corrected if either player notices within ten moves. But the rules are also quite clear that checkmate instantly ends the game. So, does the checkmate stand? I think any reasonable tournament director would say no.

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