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So who are the best players

Posted By: Stick
Date: Wednesday, 2 March 2016, at 8:18 p.m.

In Response To: So who are the best players (Coolrey)

Stick got killed in the last one he entered, btw

If you're talking about the last ABT event I entered, which it sounded like, I'd like to go one further and let you know I got destroyed in the last two I entered. San Antonio and New York this year. Before that it was San Antonio last year which I also know I didn't do well but don't specifically remember how killed I got. (solid English folks)

Therefore this is one good reason why nobody has travelled and played as much as I have, because:

A: They can't afford it B: There is no money to be made at it C: They are not driven to compete

I believe some of these details are a huge problem for bg in the US. I have the time, I can afford it but there's no money in it in more ways than one. It's not that I'm not driven to compete but I'm driven to become better at the game so that when I do compete I give myself the maximum chance of winning. If all you do is play, play, play you will not get much better. It is very time consuming and there's little reward, esp. monetary, at the end of the day unfortunately. Some of us also happen to compete at other things so implying we aren't driven to compete isn't very fair.

Personally, I always play in the Super Jackpot/Masters event when they allow me.

I am also not so sure that the list I referred you to includes things such as the Dual Duel. Offhand I don't think it does but I'd have to double check. I think it's only the main event and jackpot so there's no excuse for those type side events in any direction.

You're clearly drunk if you don't think I want to draw you in my next match, I need $20!


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