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position of cube during Crawford game

Posted By: Chuck Bower
Date: Tuesday, 7 April 2015, at 4:53 p.m.

In Response To: position of cube during Crawford game (Phil Simborg)

It's interesting that an old set of rules I have (dated 1990) say the cube "may" be removed for the Crawford game -- i.e. leaving the decision as optional. Of course it doesn't say what to do if the players disagree, which is possibly one of the reasons the rule was rewritten.

After some contemplation, I've changed my mind. Of course if the rules require it (or whatever) then I'll follow the rule, regardless.

1) If fewer misunderstandings, disagreements, confusing situations, non-real-backgammon situations (e.g. cube is turned and many rolls proceed with players thinking the cube is on 2 during the Crawford game) occur by removing the cube, then I'm fine with removing it.

2) If this makes things better for beginners (at the expense of experienced players), then let's do it. All should know better (be more careful) but that should apply in particular to experienced players.

3) I considered what to do in the case Phil mentions -- a player is leading the match Post-Crawford and notices the cube hasn't been properly returned. Well, one solution is just to deem it ethical to not take any action. However..., the rules state (or at least they used to, and if not now they should) that it is the responsibility of both players to set up the board and cube location at the beginning of the game. So both players erred in not following the rules. Take your medicine and put it back in its proper place.

4) If you really need to extract some compensation, intimidate your (careless) opponent with "hey, dumbass, did you forget about the cube???". (just kidding, of course, unless you are Phil playing Carter, or vice-versa).

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