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Posted By: Albert Steg
Date: Sunday, 5 April 2015, at 1:29 p.m.

In Response To: Ethics (Brett Meyer)

All of your examples strike me as either unethical or at best douche-y.

As Phil says, there's plenty of grey gradations on the continuum from acceptable 'gamesmanship' to unethical misdirection to outright cheating. As a broad rule, I'd suggest that there is an important distinction between *implying* something about a position through body language and timing of making a double (gamesmanship) and explicitly stating something known to be false, like a false pip count (unethical). Some gamesmanship, along with banter, add spice and variety to the game, but mores in coheres, and more among experienced players and near-equals.

Also: short-sighted. I can't imagine why the person you're playing would want to spend time with someone who does the things you describe. If you're so much a stronger player, you should be able to 'afford' actually coaching your 'pigeons' to improve their game -- and you'll help grow the community.

Also: mean. You feel good about yourself after winning 50 pts from a weaker player and intentionally misleading them? You need that edge to be a winner?

I understand you aren't saying you personally do these things in asking thew question -- I use 'You' here in the general sense.


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