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Is pay to play the only way to hold tournaments?

Posted By: Fatboy
Date: Tuesday, 24 March 2015, at 4:36 p.m.

In Response To: Is pay to play the only way to hold tournaments? (leobueno)

there has to be entry fee's in any tourney for non televised events, the payback on the entry fee's is 80%-90%, so say you pay $300 to enter something if the rake is 15% then you lose $45. I went down the middle with my rake number. $45 is less than 1 night at a hotel, usually more than going to eat (unless Carter picks the spot, and we flip coins-then Tuvi buys for everyone-he a a great guy),

So whats the point in going if its not a $ making proposition for the players?, its fun! Last week I went to Chicago, but because of biz obligations, I didnt enter a single event, i tossed a $20 into the tip bowl as I spent time ther and didnt want to stiff anyone, Had I stayed longer I'd have tossed in another $20-come to think of I should have anyways.

I dont see the pay to play format changing in BG, It's also a great place to go and learn about BG, just listen. You pick up more info than you might expect.

The people are great, small steak Chou's are going on, I donate $ most of the time, i have one a few times(less often) $100-$200 either way. I play people heads up for $10'-$25's a few times.

Point is there is lots to do, the BG crowd isnt like the guy ho suggested you wear a helmet-he is a embarrassment here and most likely elsewhere. The best players in the world treat me as good as I have ever been treated, they are not snobs, i'm sure there are some people in BG that I wouldn't get along with, but that's rare for me anywhere. I watch the interactions of people who go way back, who don't know i exist and they are respectful to each other.

Forget about making $ at a tourney, let Neil & Co do that-there is a list of who does that, i aint on it, don't care if I ever am. Just have fun and learn. Go when you can afford to, play in intermediate, it's less $ and you mite have a little chance. Unless you don't have the time and $700 to $1000 all-in to go, air, room etc. Could be less $$$ if you live near one and drive, also there isn't a gate fee. You can go like I did to a couple scope it out and then decide if its for you. I drove 20 minutes to LAX from my house to 2 of them a few months apart, i liked the vibe now i go often to where ever there is a tournament -so it cost me $0 to go figure it out. Glad I did.

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