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MCG vs Mochy: Nactated Match
Posted By: Nack Ballard In Response To: MCG vs Mochy: Nactated Match (Bob Koca)
Date: Thursday, 12 June 2014, at 3:28 a.m.
"An equals sign ( = ), by itself with no roll given, indicates that two checkers are borne off from the highest remaining point(s)."
And also indicates the play is forced right?
You're right! Good catch, Bob. (I'll clarify the wording when I next update.)
I assume you are thinking of small doublets. For example, in the position shown below, if the roll is 65, 64, 63, 62, 54, 53, 52, 43, 42 or 32, one can omit the roll and use the two-off symbol of = to denote the forced move of taking two checkers off the 2pt.
However, if the roll is 11 and one omits it (uses only the =), the reader would be deprived of knowing that the reader had a choice with this unforced roll.
If the play made is 1/off(4), just giving the roll of "11" suffices. If the play made is 2/off(2), "110" (two checkers to the 0pt) works. Refer to the segment on "Numerals" here.
By the way, what is the best play here with 11. Anyone?
White is Player 2
score: 0
pip: 122Unlimited Game
Jacoby Beaverpip: 8
score: 0
Blue is Player 1XGID=bDBa---------------cbcbb--:1:-1:1:11:0:0:3:0:10 Blue to play 11
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