BGonline.org Forums
Posted By: Bob Koca In Response To: Rollout (Timothy Chow)
Date: Tuesday, 10 June 2014, at 4:09 a.m.
I think there is a misconception about coordinating cube and checker play in your analysis. Just because a certain play leads to DT more often does not mean it is the best for maximizing cube power. A few sequences leading to borderline pass/take with the rest leaving an advantage but not a cube may be better than every position being a borderline cube. In particular your 44 sequence gives a marginal double.
My guess is that 8/7(2) is a big play that often loses the market both at score and for money With the greater cube power at 4a 5a the overage is more wasteful than for money explaining how it does relatively better at money then at score.
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