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BGonline.org Forums

Tough 32

Posted By: Stick
Date: Sunday, 27 April 2014, at 12:29 a.m.

In Response To: Tough 32 (Timothy Chow)

There are a couple things people could take away from this position. The first is an ongoing process for most people to not overlook plays. This is not the kind of play a human naturally looks at. The more plays of this type that spring up the more careful we are OtB.

I use similar positions in my lessons sometimes to make a point. I put up the position without dice and ask what the person would play. After being confused for a second because they don't know how to make a play with no dice they explain to me what they were hoping to do with their roll that turn. Then I give them a dice roll that seems either awkward like this one, or does something else good instead but still would allow them to do what they had said they wanted to do before I showed them a dice roll. They now have a choice and the vast majority of the time they should do what they had hoped to do before they even had a dice roll.

This way we get to understand what's actually going on in a position first and then playing our dice roll second. Too many people see their roll and play their checkers based on that if that makes any sense. Here of the few things we were hoping to do before our roll a prime objective was to make the 20pt. If it was such a big goal of ours we should be able to figure out that the only decent remaining three is 5/2.


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