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name this position 130607--long

Posted By: mamabear
Date: Friday, 7 June 2013, at 12:39 p.m.

In Response To: name this position 130607 (svilo)

If you are up to 130607 XG positions that have no names, yes it is time to start naming them >> (You don't really have this many, do you? I see that this number is actually the date stamp, LOL)

Since the key issue here is whether or not to slot the bar point vs. one man back, I would add it to my group of positions with that theme. They are simply titled Slot Bar vs OMB, followed by a number. (I like this one enough that I'm going to do that!)

In this case, though, it's not your "primary" objective, so to speak, to cover it, although it might turn out that way. Usually you will instead use it as a hitter to stop the back man from getting away, if he doesn't do it on this turn. Since the race is already bad, you wouldn't lose big if you are hit, but you could gain a lot by being missed, so I would do it, 13/7.

If a position doesn't fit neatly into a group I already have, I try to give it some kind of unique name, but if I'm feeling unimaginative I might call this one something like "51 to play at 5a5a" which at least tells me it's a checker play and not a cube decision. If I save variants of a position, they start with the original name, then Var 1, Var 2 etc., sometimes with a brief note saying what was changed--"Split Back Men", "Reversed Score", or whatever.

When a group gets large enough, I give it a subfolder within XG and chuck new examples in there as they turn up. That's how I round up problems quickly for an article or lesson plan--they're already in the corral!

Going back through your numbered positions to give them names won't be boring if you think of it as a chance to study a problem book written just for you :)

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