BGonline.org Forums
Posted By: playBunny In Response To: GNU (Mike Petch)
Date: Tuesday, 7 May 2013, at 3:49 p.m.
Our project is technically stable (even with bugs), so could be given a 1.0 tag.
I have a list of about 90 bugs and wishlist items (about 50:50 after quibbling which is which). Some of the wishes are small and some are for versions 2 and maybe beyond but some of the bugs do need some loving.
A couple of them are distinctly "WTF?" to my mind, the kind that confuse novices and can be a pain in the ass even to a seasoned user. For instance, if you edit the player names then in certain circumstances the game will be wiped clean leaving just a position setup in the game history! ..... Similarly, and more commonly, if you edit the dice you can lose a game or position that's been entered.
Others are annoyances, such as ..... If you use the undocked layout (to get the better presentation of information in the undocked analysis panel) then dialogues (eg. temperature map, rollout) can get hidden behind others and can't be brought to the front without magic incantations (first click here, in this window and then click there, in that window) ..... The dialogues may appear partially hidden, eg, the temperature map's buttons are hidden beneath the taskbar ..... An unfinished match that's saved and then opened may have a spurious Double added to the end of the game, even in a 1-point match. .... When setting up a position and doing a move it can be a devil of a job getting that move selected (another case of click here first and then click there) ..... If you analyse a cube decision then the display reverts to showing the checker plays tab ..... Unless it's a cube error in which case, when looking at the checker plays, clicking [MWC] will revert to the cube decision tab. ..... GnuBg is multi-monitor unfriendly on Windows due to its coordinate system so changing a side monitor on the left (eg from portrait to landscape or vice versa) will move the GnuBg window setup on the main monitor .... and more.
I agree that you could release a version 1.0 now but that number comes with expectations. As is, I think GnuBg 1.0 may be received in the spirit of a Microsoft product, where MSFoo X.0 is the beta test and service pack 1 is the real product.
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