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Posted By: Mark Denihan
Date: Tuesday, 4 October 2011, at 1:33 a.m.

In Response To: Cheats (Art Grater)

Hold the dice together in a vertical column; throw with a lot of spin so that aerodynamics hold the two dice together; have them hit the far wall at the same moment they hit the floor of the table, right into the 90deg angle - the number face up on the bottom dye tends to stay face up. I think crap tables were redesigned to counter this ploy which is reported to have made at least one person wealthy.

More interesting is roulette wheel clocking which a team pulled off in the UK for over a mil. The courts found them not guilty of cheating.

Anyone remember the backgammon table that started a room fire at a bg tournament in 1980 at the LAX Marriot? Or a guy named Tinsel(sp?) that had the run of the town in Vegas in the 70's?

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